Weekly weigh in – Lost 3lb

I lost 3lb which comes after a Christmas gain of 7.5lb. I’m quite happy about the weight gain because I enjoyed every chocolate, piece of shortbread and glass of Baileys!

I’ve currently lost 6 stone 13lb and my first goal this year is to get my 8.5 stone award back. I’m planning on losing 2lb a week so I should get back to that weight (22.7 stone) by the end of March then I can work on getting my 9 stone award.

My willpower has returned. I don’t want to spend the next year going up and down these 2 stones like I did last year, I want to get out of the 20 stones and into the teens!

If I can maintain a 2lb a week loss, I should be out of the 20s by the end of July ๐Ÿ™‚

lost 3lb